The Show In Richmond Must Be Paused

 In News

As we continue to look for justice and reform in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, as well as countless other senseless murders and violent acts at the hands of people who are supposed to protect and serve our community, the music industry has come together to call for a blackout.

On Tuesday, June 2nd, The Auricular will join musicians, bands, producers, studios, labels, and more in Richmond and across the country for the #TheShowMustBePaused initiative, pausing our normal activity in order to stand together against racial injustice and inequality.

Since our launch, The Auricular has focused solely on the local music scene, one that has been impacted strongly by the riots and protests of the last several days. Richmond is hurting right now. But our wounds are not fatal. We will overcome the tragedy of the last few days. But unfortunately, George Floyd will not. Neither will Breonna Taylor or Ahmaud Arbery or countless others all the way back to Emmett Till.

You can be angry at the blow our local business community has taken, but please don’t forget what is really going on. Merchandise can be replaced. Buildings can be repaired. Businesses can be rebuilt.

Lives cannot.

Even though we are pausing together, there is still work to do. Donate to help the family of George Floyd (here) and the family of Ahmaud Arbery (here). Help in the fight for justice for Breonna Taylor (here). Donate to the Richmond Community Bail Fund to help support the peaceful protesters who have been targeted by unjust curfews and unprovoked attacks (here). Learn about resources for protestors and ways to assist others around you (here).

And maybe, just maybe, try engaging someone different in conversation today about what’s going on right now. It’s not easy. It doesn’t always work. But we will never enact real change without more people on our side, even if it’s helping people to see how even a tiny ounce of societal and racial privilege excludes them from being in situations like George Floyd and others. Softening the chance of one person can make a small ripple in our community, and the more ripples we create, the larger the tidal wave of change can be for our country.

You can check out more about the #TheShowMustBePaused initiative below from founders Jamila Thomas (Atlantic Records) and Brianna Agyemany (Platoon), or you can visit for more information.

We will return Wednesday with our coverage of the Richmond music scene.

Thank you all.

Be safe. Be well.



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