Earth Dog Mothership Soar & Endure On “Trigger Warning” Video

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Don’t worry — no faux commentary on culture wars here. The new song and video from Earth Dog Mothership brings together two vibrant genres with the vivid storytelling of classic country-western and the swampy heat of southern blues rock.

The video, shot at Minimum Wage Recording, focuses on the band exploring the song’s expansive terrain, with some shots of the band also exploring (and enjoying) Lance Koeheler’s studio space. Standard fare for a session video, but the shots help the song’s lyrical story ring out, firmly enhancing everything the four-piece band sets out to do.

You can catch Earth Dog Mothership in concert next on Saturday, February 5th at Banditos alongside Future Projektor and I Am The Liquor. For more information on that show, click here. Until then, enjoy the studio video for “Trigger Warning” below.


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