Sadartha Releases Purling Video For “Soul Science”

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Last week, pysch-grunge trio Sadartha released a music video for “Soul Science,” a video that builds on the washed-out aesthetic the band has crafted through multiple releases.

Taken from their May, 2018 record Eden, “Soul Science” is a bubbling combination of grunge angst, psychedelic effects, and noisey imminence, all swirling together to make it a stand-out off of that sophomore record. The video, shot by Malik Towles and edited by George Maria and Sarah Dunn, is a spiritual successor to the type of videos seen in the heyday 120 Minutes, tailor-made for those who stayed up until the end of the programming hoping for something different and cool, something the band hits hard in a video containing a mannequin sound engineer and trippy visual effects.

Watch the video for “Soul Science” below and make sure to follow Sadartha on social media for future show and music announcements.


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